Almost complete,
Which leaves me wondering, am I the only person who isn’t feeling awe from this game. Don’t get me wrong, I like it, I just feel it lacks in some areas. For me that’s a disconnect from Nathan Hale.
I must say, this could simply be, because I just came off of Dead Space which has my vote for game of the year…. FUCKING AWESOME.
Insomniac, has done a beautiful job of laying out a HUGE AND VAST WORLD, the maps in my opinion, have done a great job of putting things in scale. However this could be simply because the Chimera are 3x as big this round. Your sense of urgency has increased, as the number of enemies. The fire fights are as good as the first installment and in many cases much more intense. The bosses, have come with a growth spurt. Lets just say these bastards are HUGE, but does that necessarily mean that they are challenging? I find my self perishing admist large scale firefights, and this is usually towards the end of them, and not by a huge onslaught of your everyday Chimera, but from the 80 Drones that come flying at you, along with Ravengers etc.
Although the levels are large, if you take the time to look , in some spots textures were skimped and probably rightfully so. Even on the first board when you make it to the outside San Francisco, if you scope across the bay to gaze upon the burning inferno, You’ll notice, the buildings aren’t what you would expect, as a matter of fact, I’ve reproduced better buildings in my 3rd grade diorama. Of course zoom out, and you’re surrounded by a HUGE Chimera invasion, along with mother ships and scouts flying by.
Overall it’s a beautiful game, and I will probably have to play through it again on it’s hardest setting. The problem is, do I feel compelled to do so. While RFOM2 has broken many barriers and has produced some truly impressive bosses, it has fallen short to break my barrier of WOW, I guess Killzone2 is going to have to be the console defining game.